Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Never Be Afraid to Start over Again

I used to get stressed over the feeling of restarting all over again. For a time, it felt, like an endless "restarting over again".

But 'cest la vie.

It is a new chance to rebuild.

While others get planted deeply and bloom...

Others get uprooted, blown by the wind and get replanted like wild weeds off to a meadow or valley.

Thrive. Just thrive and spread like wildfire.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Tell Your Story

I have vowed...

To never run from my past and be afraid of it's stories. I am boldly showing my scars and telling what I have been through. I am who I am today because of every spec of dust that yesterday gave me. I have overcome all those.

I may inspire. I may not. But I am happy where I am in this inconstant life. I am happy to keep moving, even if it means restarting or overhauling. I am an itinerant soul that will eventually leave too.